Nintex 2016 Issue CodeTypeReferenceExpression
SharePoint Foundation Workflow Infrastructure Unexpected RunWorkflow:
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: CompilerError Line="-1" Column="-1" Text="Type System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorExpression is not marked as authorized in the application configuration file.
Error saving from workflow export file.: Nintex.Workflow.NWSavingWorkflowException: Erreur lors de la publication du flux de travail Text="Le type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReferenceExpression n'est pas indiqué comme étant autorisé dans le fichier de configuration de l'application."
You should add below red line in each web.config form your farm except central admin
<authorizedType Assembly="System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" Namespace="System.CodeDom" TypeName="CodeTypeReferenceExpression" Authorized="True" />
<authorizedType Assembly="System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" Namespace="System.CodeDom" TypeName="CodeTypeReferenceExpression" Authorized="True" />
<targetFx version="v4.0">
Nintex.Workflow.NWException: Erreur lors de la lecture du paramètre 'SMTPServerPort' depuis la base de données de configuration. Vérifiez que vos bases de données Nintex Workflow sont à jour.
Nintex.Workflow.NWException: Error reading 'SMTPServerPort' parameter from configuration database. Make sure your Nintex Workflow databases are up to date.
To solve this issue, i executed this command line in an powershell admin instance
NWAdmin.exe -o UpgradeDatabases "Server=[serverName];Database=[dbName];Trusted_Connection=True;" -isConfig
For update workflow and forms Nintex configuration databases