Fluent Ui Componants List

On 25/02/2025

In SharepointOnLine

Fluent UI Components and Properties


Property Description
text The text to display on the button.
iconProps Properties to pass to the icon.
onClick Callback for when the button is clicked.
disabled Whether the button is disabled.


Property Description
label The label for the text field.
value The value of the text field.
onChange Callback for when the value changes.
placeholder Placeholder text for the text field.
disabled Whether the text field is disabled.


Property Description
label The label for the dropdown.
options Array of options to display in the dropdown.
selectedKey The key of the selected option.
onChange Callback for when the selected option changes.
placeholder Placeholder text for the dropdown.
disabled Whether the dropdown is disabled.


Property Description
label The label for the checkbox.
checked Whether the checkbox is checked.
onChange Callback for when the checkbox is toggled.
disabled Whether the checkbox is disabled.


Property Description
label The label for the toggle.
checked Whether the toggle is checked.
onChange Callback for when the toggle is toggled.
disabled Whether the toggle is disabled.


Property Description
isOpen Whether the modal is open.
onDismiss Callback for when the modal is dismissed.
isBlocking Whether the modal is blocking.
containerClassName Custom class name for the modal container.


Property Description
isOpen Whether the panel is open.
onDismiss Callback for when the panel is dismissed.
headerText The text to display in the panel header.
closeButtonAriaLabel The ARIA label for the close button.


Property Description
items Array of items to display in the list.
columns Array of column definitions.
onItemInvoked Callback for when an item is invoked.
selection Selection object to manage selected items.


Property Description
iconName The name of the icon to display.
style Custom styles for the icon.
className Custom class name for the icon.


Property Description
label The label for the spinner.
size The size of the spinner (e.g., 'small', 'medium', 'large').
ariaLive The ARIA live region attribute.


Property Description
messageBarType The type of the message bar (e.g., 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error').
isMultiline Whether the message bar should display multiple lines.
onDismiss Callback for when the message bar is dismissed.
dismissButtonAriaLabel The ARIA label for the dismiss button.

Sharepoint SPFX React

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