SharePoint Sites.Selected

On 03/02/2025

In SharepointOnLine

How to give permission for an Azure app you has permission : Sites.Selected

You must be admin of Azure

In Graph Explorer use this request to get the Azure Id of you Site

Add for permission Sites.selected and Site.FullControl for the account (in modify permissions Tab)


replace the m365x87466739 by your Tenant name, and allcompany by the name / url of your site, 

it wiil returns you the azure id of your site

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#sites(id)/$entity",
    "id": ",1dc83cb4-d304-4afa-a0ff-cf33270f1c8b,e615f00e-ac05-4dfc-928e-e51688e8273b"

Then post a news query,1dc83cb4-d304-4afa-a0ff-cf33270f1c8b,e615f00e-ac05-4dfc-928e-e51688e8273b/permissions


  "roles": ["write"],//permission level you want to give
  "grantedToIdentities": [{
    "application": {
      "id": "9fb5c53a-5f25-4100-ba33-9a4595390c27",//this is you App Id
      "displayName": "AppSharePointDocebo"

then you can use Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -ClientId $clientId -Thumbprint $thumbprint -Tenant $tenantId

Postsite selectedpng




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