Basic CSOM caml query
<FieldRef Name='Matricule'/>
<Value Type='Text'>90136794</Value>
<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='True'/></OrderBy>
<FieldRef Name='Matricule' />
<FieldRef Name='Email' />
Query Null Text fields or not
<FieldRef Name="Famille"/>
<FieldRef Name="Famille"/>
by ID
<FieldRef Name='ID'/>
<Value Type='Counter'>645</Value>
Get tasks by itemId (relatedItems in tasks list)
<FieldRef Name='RelatedItems'/>
<Value Type='RelatedItems'>""ItemId"":435,</Value>
boolean / Yes/No
<Eq><FieldRef Name='YourFieldName'/><Value Type='Boolean'>1</Value></Eq>
<Eq> => equals
<Neq> => not equals
<Lt> => Less than
<Leq> => less or equal
<Gt> greater than
<Geq> greater or equal
Sharepoint error Error in my cases One or more field types are not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete these fields. Fields in your query are not in list Cannot complete this action.
Please try again.
Syntax error in your query