PowerAutomate Goodies

On 31/03/2021

In Power plateform

Power Automate goodies


Add a cont JSON to store urls and lists names for example


	"sourceUrl": "https://mySite/sites/DevSpFX/LRemy",
	"sourceListeName": "listeSource",
	"targetUrl": "https://mySite/sites/DevSpFX/LRemy",
	"targetListeName": "listTarget",
	"targetListeRequest": "/_api/Web/Lists/getbytitle('listTarget')/items",
	"logListRequest": "/_api/Web/Lists/getbytitle('logs')/items",
			"sourceFieldName": "Title2",
			"sourceFieldTypeAsString": "Text",
			"targetFieldName": "Title",
			"targetFieldTypeAsString": "Text"
      "sourceFieldName": "Title",
      "sourceFieldTypeAsString": "Text",
      "targetFieldName": "OtherTexteField",
      "targetFieldTypeAsString": "Text"

Add a JSON analyser action (above json is juste an exemple)



Add your JSON in generate from sample, this will create an object that you can use later

Ehantillon 1

Then add your JSON datas (if you modify JSON structure, you must regenerate the sample)


Use you Const to get items




Sharepoint Sharepoint; flow;power automate

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